Dude, It’s a Game.

Tag. You’re “IT.”

Slow down. Pay attention. Be present. The twists and turns ahead may be difficult to navigate.

You’re not who you think you are —

You are being who you think other people think you ought to be.

That’s still not who you really are.

You are so much more than that.

Maybe you’ve got a sense of that. Maybe you haven’t fully remembered yet. That you are all there is, in a sense…

You think you are the human “you,” the “identity” known as you. A version of you that you’ve practiced into perfection, like a character in a movie or a game.

But… that’s only PART of who you are. It’s a perspective.

All these little perspectives you hold of your “self” and who you think other people think you are or are supposed to be…

What you were taught about who you are… who you’re supposed to be… or should be…

and what that means…

What it means to be the you you are being.

These are all slightly different perspectives you have of “you” or what you refer to when you say “my self.”

Taken all together, these different perspectives form your identity, or who you think you are… which informs how you show up in the world.

This is the “you” we’re talking about. This “you,” the perceived you… your identity.

These “perspectives” are the culmination of all the stories, memories, programming, and conditioning you’ve used up to this point to form who and how you’re being.

All of which “seems” to be very “real.”

…many of us live our whole lives as though the identity we wield in the world is the truth, the very nature of who we are.

This is part of the illusion.

It’s a core part, but a part nonetheless. And, one that we can change.

Our identity is a set of “truths” we’ve agreed to about who we think we are, or who we’re supposed to be.

Whether we agree to them knowingly or not, that’s who we act as in the world.

And you may very well be tickled pink about who you think you are…

Some of us are…

Some of us aren’t…

Many of us are mostly pleased with who we are (being)… most of the time.

And/but, if given a magic wand, most of us would change some things about ourselves or our experience.

Dude, it’s a Game…

You can change anything you want about your experience. About yourself, how you’re being, and what you’re getting.

About your life…

about what it’s like being you.

It’s like having a “magic wand,” like having the cheat codes in a video game.

And, at that, it’s not cheating.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

If you knew you could be anything, what would you be like?

And, why does it seem that some of us follow that path and end up exactly as “planned” and others don’t?

I went to school with a bunch of kids…

A few of them grew up building and living their dream lives.

Most of us didn’t.

Sure, some of us are happy, but many of the people I went to school with, if they’re being honest, would probably give their life a 70% or 80%… some maybe even a 90%…

Few people I know would say they are living an A+ (100%) life every day and that life is like a magic dream where everything is amazing…

But if a few can… why isn’t everyone?

Some are playing the GAME using “cheat codes.” Many of them don’t even know it…

…they just weren’t conditioned (taught) not to.

If you could use some kind of “cheat code” would you?

If you did, what would your life be like?

What would YOU be like? 

WHO would you be?

More importantly…

How good, could you stand it?